The new Treasury chief secretary just drew a line under that infamous ‘there’s no money’ note in sensational style

Tory MPs (we’re looking at you, Greg Hands) never tired of wanging on about the infamous note left by Liam Byrne, chief secretary to the treasury in Gordon Brown’s government, when the coalition government came to power in 2010.

Byrne’s note for his successor said ‘I’m afraid there is no money’ and he later said it was a joke that he would regret forever.

Now Labour is back in power, the new chief secretary to the Treasury Darren Jones – stick with us – was asked if he’d been left a note by the Conservatives, and his banger of a reply will surely lay this particular ghost to rest for ever (it might have more impact if you stop before Ed Balls starts talking, but no harm done).

Susanna Reid, “When the previous Labour government handed over to the coalition with a note in a drawer saying there’s no money left, did you find a similar note?”

Darren Jones, “I opened the drawer and there was nothing in it. So I can only assume that they couldn’t afford the…

— Farrukh (@implausibleblog) July 8, 2024


What a brilliant response

— David Maloney (@Gimli57J) July 8, 2024

The stationary order was still marked as “Pending” from Mone Supplies Ltd.

— LfB (@LiveFromBrexit) July 8, 2024

I will say Tories rinsed the public purse and Labour has a HUGE mess to clean up. However, it’s so refreshing to have people in charge with a sense of humour. Instead of the sour faced bitter Tories who had no relatability factor whatsoever. I do genuinely appreciate that.

— Claire (@clairebubblepop) July 8, 2024

Love this ! He’s a top guy , brain the size of a planet . The right guy in the right job for once !

— Gary James (@Gazpics76) July 8, 2024

This moment from the Guardian’s behind the scenes Keir Starmer tale had people in hysterics

Source @implausibleblog

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