Andrea Leadsom claims the Tories were too woke, and we probably won’t ask to borrow her dictionary

Not enough broadcasters respond to our endless desire to know what Andrea Leadsom thinks about stuff. Happily, the BBC was all over it as they waited for the election results to come in.

If they hadn’t invited the former candidate for leadership of the Conservative Party (can you imagine a Leadsom premiership?), we’d never have heard her unique take on the Tories’ downfall.

“not national service as in going around shooting people”

— Scott Bryan (@scottygb) July 4, 2024

We must have been napping when they were doing the woke stuff. Was it before or after they rounded up asylum seekers and put them on a barge full of legionella?

Anyway – here’s what other people had to say about it.



— Will Sebag-Montefiore | Edinburgh Fringe (@wsebag) July 4, 2024


The blame game begins…

Andrea Leadsom (a minister): "Perhaps it's that we've not been conservative enough."

She says in the pub earlier this evening, a group told her "they're sick of all this woke stuff, they're sick of all this trying to be more left-wing than Labour".

— Aubrey Allegretti (@breeallegretti) July 4, 2024


Perfect no notes

— Mark Di Stefano (@MarkDiStef) July 5, 2024


this is always so funny bc like beyond waving flags with swastikas on them, what else could the tories have done to prove that they’re bigoted enough for the far-right?

— khia starmer (@ax_ferg) July 4, 2024


With all due respect and in defence of Andrea Leadsom she is an absolute fucking idiot.

— PW @[email protected] & (@SuperRetroid) July 4, 2024


I didn't shoot anyone today. I'm so bloody woke I sicken myself. I might go on a gun rampage tomorrow though if Andrea will drive the getaway vehicle.

— The Phantom Of The Twittasphere (@CapedPhantom) July 4, 2024


When words don’t mean anything anymore.

— Niecy O'Keeffe (@NiecyOKeeffe) July 4, 2024


Andrea Leadsom on the BBC concluding that the Conservative collapse is due to “too much woke” and “trying to be more left wing than Labour” has made my soul die a bit.

— Samira Shackle (@samirashackle) July 4, 2024


In other news:

Skeletor always beaten by He-Man on account of ‘caring too much and being too much of a team-centric people person’

— Angus Dunican (@AngusDunican) July 4, 2024


With a post-mortem analysis like this, the Tories are also going to lose in 2029

— George Aylett (@GeorgeAylett) July 4, 2024


"They are sick of us with all this woke stuff and trying to be more left wing than labour"
Fucking hell. I know she says she has been in the pub, but a pint of whisky before going on tv is risky

— Walnuts (@PaoloWalnuts) July 4, 2024


Andrea Leadsom saying ‘Maybe the problem is we haven’t been conservative enough’.

— Mike Scott (@IrkthePurists) July 4, 2024

We’ll just leave this here.

Tories can’t even win elections anymore because of woke

— Oz Katerji (@OzKaterji) July 5, 2024


Alastair Campbell brutally owning Nadine Dorries over Boris Johnson was spectacular TV (and you don’t even have to like Alistair Campbell)

Source Scott Bryan Image Screengrab

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