Break out the tiny violins for this Telegraph columnist’s millionaire friends who are all leaving the UK

There’s nothing new about the Telegraph opinion page looking like a product of a random headline generator created by Jacob Rees-Mogg from the Collected Works of Margaret Thatcher and Katie Hopkins.

If you haven’t spotted them in the wild, here’s the montage.

Politicians have created a multicultural monster beyond control. Who gets the blame? We do
The political elite are branding riots in Dublin last week as violently ‘far-Right’ – but it’s mass migration that presents the real danger

Britain still doesn’t have a clue about the scale of the disaster heading its way
Starmer’s plans will entrench the worst aspects of the Blair and Brown eras, and hand power to lawyers and quangos

A crisis of masculinity imperils the foundations of the West
In Britain and elsewhere, too many men and boys are being ostracised, with tragic results for both sexes

Western civilisation is being driven to oblivion by the false prophets of ‘diversity’
The woke revolutionaries reject real equality in favour of a permanent revolution against fairness and merit

"It’s virtually illegal to be English and proud
English folk are more than happy to join in the great festival of Guinness-drinking every March 17. But come April 23, nothing happens"

One of the latest Britain-bashing rants came from Sophia Money-Coutts, who had a tale of woe about her social circle. Grab the tissues.

Sophia Money-Coutts
All of my friends are leaving the UK because ‘nothing works here any more’
It’s not just millionaires fleeing – middle-class families have been priced out of this country

We didn’t detect much sympathy, but we don’t have an electron microscope to hand. These comments give a very good sense of the vibe.


What can have happened over the last 14 years to mean that nothing works here any more?

Or was it all working perfectly for her and her friends until July?

I would love to know.

— Mark E Thomas (@MrMarkEThomas) September 16, 2024


Sophia, daughter of 9th Baron Latymer, of the Coutts family who founded the private bank … says proudly that 'all of her friends' are millionaires and 'they're all leaving'.

— John O'Connell (@jdpoc) September 16, 2024


I will never tire of very rich Tories leaving the country because their very rich Tory friends ran the country into the ground for 14 years.

— Brendan May (@bmay) September 16, 2024


If you invented a character called Sophia Money-Coutts and put her in a state of the nation novel as an defender of the ruling class you'd be laughed at

— Ben Morgan (@B_Morgan14) September 16, 2024


Burglar-arsonists leave house they've been in all night stating "there's nothing valuable here and it smells of ash everywhere"

— Justin Parkhurst (@justinparkhurst) September 17, 2024


Wait until:

-Sophia Money-Coutts finds out which political party has been in charge of the UK for the last 14yrs until ten weeks ago

-Sophia Money-Coutts finds out her employer the Daily Telegraph supported the same party while it was in power for those 14yrs

She'll be LIVID.

— Alex Sowden (@AJS77) September 16, 2024


What can we do to hasten their exit?

— Paul Crüst. (@ghosteggs) September 15, 2024


"Two separate friends and their families have just landed in Dubai for the start of the school year. Another is talking seriously about Abu Dhabi. Another still is about to head to Singapore."

Has anyone told her that her friends aren't very nice people?

— Gyll King Post Skip Diplomacy (@GyllKing) September 15, 2024


Yeah, you don't fix 14 years of neglect in 2½ months, you daft twat. That's why 'nothing works here anymore'!
What you mean is "All of my friends are leaving the UK because they don't like that the Tory cartel got kicked out". #KTTO

— (@EyeofHorrors) September 16, 2024


Jeez, with a name like that the satire practically writes itself

— Brexite: you either love it or hate it (@brexacious) September 16, 2024


Question: Did they vote Tory?

All of my friends are leaving the UK because ‘nothing works here any more’

— Angela Murphy (@angelamurphy99) September 14, 2024


What a pathetic article. It exudes arrogant & rancid upper middle class privilege. UK will be better off with these folks going on a permanent world tour

All of my friends are leaving the UK because ‘nothing works here any more’

— Rose-Valmary (@valmary_rose8) September 14, 2024


Sophia Money-Coutts…..

I swear the Telegraph makes these people up.

Fenella Generationalwealth-Getoffmyland

— Doctor Maybe (@acsdawson) September 15, 2024


This made me laugh out loud…

Issy Talkshit has a rival …

For the best utter garbage.

"All of my friends are leaving the UK because ‘nothing works here any more’"

— ArthurMC2 (@arthur_mc2) September 15, 2024


They were careless people, Tom and Daisy- they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made.

— Huw Harries (@HuwHarries) September 17, 2024


Vampires after the blood bank runs dry:

— Jack Cuthbert (@JackCuthbert) September 17, 2024

It looks like Deborah Meaden isn’t one of Sophia Money Coutts’ friends.

Interesting… they could stay and help fix it… lightweights.

— Deborah Meaden (@DeborahMeaden) September 16, 2024


The Telegraph: People should remember how good they had it under the Tories. Everyone: You’re having a laugh, mate

Source Telegraph Image Screengrab

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