Richard Tice claimed he totally owned Ed Miliband with this Commons Q&A and it’s the least self-aware thing you’ll see this year

Time to return to the world of Reform UK leader Richard Tice, who had a question about the cost of renewable energy for energy secretary Ed Miliband.

We mention it again because of what Tice had to say about the exchange, proudly sharing the Q&A on Twitter and telling his followers how he ‘blasted Net Zero obsessed Miliband’.

And if you watch the entire exchange to the end then you’ve surely just witnessed the least self-aware thing you’ll see this year.

I blasted Net Zero obsessed @Ed_Miliband today over the vastly more expensive renewables.

Bids for wind turbines today will add hundreds of £s more to energy bills.


— Richard Tice MP (@TiceRichard) September 3, 2024

Glorious. Just not for the reasons Tice seems to think it is.

Just in case he still didn’t see it, there were plenty of people only too happy to help in the comments.

He made you look like the utter fool you are.

— Miffy (@miffythegamer) September 3, 2024

Ed Milliband took him apart.
The gulf between an intellectually challenged Reform MP permanently stuck in the 19th century and a 21st century man on top of his brief and who has all the answers was demonstrable.
Tice was defenestrated.

— Simon Gosden. Esq. #fbpe 3.5% ‍☠️ (@g_gosden) September 3, 2024

You got your kecks royally pulled down… thankfully for you your followers are thick as fuck so they’ll believe this drivel ☝️

— Stuzi (@stuzi_pants) September 3, 2024

Dick Tice actually thinks that he won this debate. What a fool! Why show a video which clearly shows your arse being handed on a plate?

— Joe Singh ✈️ (@neoavintl) September 4, 2024

Blasted, Dick? Blasted.

He put you on your arse matey.

Big Ed just showed you up for what you really are … a defective, third rate blowhard with zero credibility or knowledge.

— Don McGowan (@donmcgowan) September 3, 2024

Richard Tice believes that he owned Ed Milliband in the same way that he believes that his ‘Autumn Chestnut’ hair colour isn’t out of a tin
Way to look like an even bigger fuckwit Dickie

— Stuzi (@stuzi_pants) September 3, 2024

Yeah, and you got owned. You simply don't understand normal things, do you.
Absolute spunkbubble.

— MrsBadcrumble1975 Ⓥ #fuckreform (@CatLaw75) September 3, 2024

Ironically, @TiceRichard was being publicly owned

— Chris Faux (@Chr1sF1) September 4, 2024

Why would you show this?

You got your a*se handed to you

— (@V_ForVanilla) September 3, 2024

Source @TiceRichard

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