Nigel Farage claimed his jaunt to the Republican National Convention was ‘to represent Clacton on the world stage’, and got mocked into next week

It’s no secret that Nigel Farage was known for not turning up to his job when he was an MEP – a trait shared by his fellow UKIP/Brexit Party representatives.

It now seems that it wasn’t just some sort of low-key protest about the legitimacy of the European Parliament. The newly elected MP for Clacton hasn’t been doing a whole lot of turning up in his constituency.

Clacton voters waiting for Nigel Farage’s first constituency surgery – live scenes.

— Rob B (@RobBfromDerby) August 16, 2024

Nigel Farage telling constituents where on the world stage he's representing Clacton instead of holding a surgery.

— Colin the Dachshund (@DachshundColin) August 17, 2024

MISSING – Can you help?

I live in Clacton and our MP, a bastion of local issues, has disappeared without a trace. If he had an office or contact number we’d start there, but no.
Please let us know if you see him, we just want to make sure he’s safe! #Clacton

— Papillon (@SirPapillion) August 17, 2024

The Register of Members’ Financial Interests on the government website has revealed that Farage is by far the highest earner in the House of Commons, mostly because of his earnings from GB News.

“Nigel Farage pockets £97,000 a month instantly making him the highest paid MP”

Reform, the company with Farage as majority shareholder, is a party of the people?

Give me strength

If you haven’t sussed them yet, then give your head a wobble

(Cue the gullible trolls)…

— Carol Vorderman (@carolvorders) August 16, 2024

When the media picked up on his enormous income, he posted this rebuttal.

To be clear... the GB News sum paid to me and declared includes VAT, and was for several months of work. It was paid to my company, which has significant expenses.

Sorry to disappoint the media.

Which begs the question …

To be clear..

Nigel Farage has either
BROKEN the Parliamentary Code of Conduct which is rigorous on declaration of earnings/expenses – fees must be declared accurately & BEFORE VAT is added (see attachments 8d)


Clacton MP Farage has lied in the tweet below

Which is it?

— Carol Vorderman (@carolvorders) August 18, 2024

As well as earning a ridiculous amount from GB News, income from his greetings on Cameo, and another £4,000 on top of his MP salary, Farage was recently fully funded by a backer when he neglected his new job yet again to take a trip to the US.

£32,000 – cost of Nigel Farage's four day trip America

£24,000 – average annual income in Clacton which has the highest levels of economic inactivity of any constituency in England and Wales

When you spend more on a four day jolly than your constituents earn in a year

— Farrukh (@implausibleblog) August 17, 2024

What was even more astonishing were the reasons he gave for the trip – “To support a friend who was almost killed and to represent Clacton on the world stage.”

Nigel Farage says his £32,000 all expenses paid trip to visit Trump in the US, courtesy of a multi-million pound Reform UK donor, was in order "to represent Clacton on the world stage"

— Adam Bienkov (@AdamBienkov) August 16, 2024

To be clear, the ‘friend’ is Donald Trump. Did he meet Donald Trump while he was there? No. But did he represent Clacton on the world stage? Also no.

He did, however, manage to attract all this scepticism and mockery.


“I took a £32,000 all expenses paid trip to visit Donald Trump in the US, courtesy of a multi-million pound Reform UK donor, in order to represent Clacton on the world stage”

— Mr Roger Quimbly (@RogerQuimbly) August 17, 2024


Farage reveals he was gifted a donation of £32,836 by a businessman to visit the US on 17 July in order to "support a friend (Donald Trump) who was almost killed and to represent #Clacton on the world stage".


Shame Trump was too busy to see him

— Otto English (@Otto_English) August 16, 2024


Like Nigel Farage, I try to represent Clacton on the world stage by not having any kind of contact with Donald Trump.

— RichNeville (@RichNeville) August 17, 2024


I took this picture of Clacton from a ferry a few weeks ago. Does this count as “Representing Clacton on the world stage”? Asking for a missing MP .

— Stephanie Hayden (@flyinglawyer73) August 17, 2024


“Clacton! CLACTON!”

— Richard Coles (@RevRichardColes) August 17, 2024


This must be why Clacton was the talk of the Republican convention.

— Dan Rebellato (@DanRebellato) August 17, 2024


Professional Pisstaker constitutes an actual career in the 21st century.

— Dr Rachel Morris (@FiveByFiveTimes) August 16, 2024


Reform voters of Clacton, he’s laughing at you.

As well, deservedly, he might.

— Beau (@DrBeauBeaumont) August 17, 2024


Hi @Nigel_Farage Americans rarely know where any country is outwith their own. Why would Clacton need representation out there? Why would you choose to go on all all expenses paid trip to see a man who wouldn’t give you the steam of his shite rather than be in Clacton? #conman

— Traz Mac (@traz_mac) August 17, 2024


I mean, representing Clacton in Clacton would be a good start…

— Daily Racist (@ShihabSJoi) August 16, 2024


Representing Clacton on the world stage via a humiliated racist with no mates.


— Skew Spew Barmy Hairdo Curmudgeon Bigot and Smug (@SkewSmug) August 17, 2024


Nigel Farage: redefining chutzpah for the ages.

— DrDeborahDean (@gleefuldabbler) August 17, 2024


Clacton awakes with pride at its global role. Meanwhile Farage seems to have no constituency office for dealing with queries.

— Bob Hudson (@Bob__Hudson) August 17, 2024


Looking forward to the opening of the official Clactonian embassy in Washington DC. Hail Clacton!

— ChrisO_wiki (@ChrisO_wiki) August 16, 2024


I'd give a pound to charity for every time he so much as mentioned Clacton during these events.

— Just Neil (@Neilovichi) August 17, 2024

Mitch Benn‘s suggestion may well be taken up by the neglected constituents of Clacton, if Farage doesn’t start putting a shift in.

Can we get a recall petition going in Clayton, get Farage voted out and then see how he handles being the only member of Reform Ltd who ISN’T a fucking MP?

— Mitch Benn (@MitchBenn) August 16, 2024


C4 News asked Nigel Farage if he’d met Donald Trump yet and it’s a supremely satisfying watch

Source Adam Bienkov Image Screengrab, Screengrab

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