There’s something suspiciously familiar about Donald Trump’s list of insults for Kamala Harris

In the run-up to an election, politicians – or would-be politicians – generally fall back on what is known as a stump speech. It covers the key points they want to get across, and is rolled out again and again in the various rallies or hustings they attend.

Republican tub-thumpers recently spotted that Kamala Harris had made the same speech on different occasions, and they tried to shame her for it, but ended up getting owned for their lack of political knowledge.

Kamala Harris caught giving the exact same speech almost word for word in both Wisconsin and Michigan

She can’t go off script. Watch:

— TheBlaze (@theblaze) August 9, 2024

You can read the reactions here.

If they were horrified that the VP used the same speech repeatedly during one election campaign, just wait until they hear what Donald Trump has had to say about two different opponents in election campaigns four years apart.

Trump's attacks on Kamala Harris sound very familiar

— The Daily Show (@TheDailyShow) August 14, 2024

We’re grateful to The Daily Show for clipping that up, and so – we suspect – are these people.


Time to get some new material, Donald.

— Republicans against Trump (@RpsAgainstTrump) August 14, 2024


Don-Old's lies are getting tired. He is like a failing comic with no new material. Trump's political death spiral has only begun. His worst days lie ahead. While for Kamala Harris, THE BEST IS YET TO COME!

— Jonathan Greenberg (@JournalistJG) August 14, 2024


Are we shocked that Mr. Pants On Fire is plagiarizing his own material? After all, he has all the best words, yes?

— A G deBellefeuille (@APrettyLeaf) August 14, 2024


Same old boring show

— MeidasTouch (@MeidasTouch) August 14, 2024


A Broken record . Pathetic

— RealityCheck (@HumanOpinion) August 15, 2024


Remember when right-wingers were slamming Harris for having the same stump speech? Trump didn’t even bother changing his when the candidate changed!

— Josh (@supersecretjosh) August 14, 2024


Trump, the one-trick pony.

— Shawn Radcliffe (@ShawnRadcliffe) August 14, 2024


The stump speech à la Trump. No content. Just name calling.

— Jakob-Moritz Eberl (@JaMoEberl) August 14, 2024

Plagiarising his own old speeches isn’t even the most embarrassing thing he’s done.

Tonight: Trump plagiarized his commencement speech from Elle Woods in Legally Blonde

— The Tonight Show (@FallonTonight) May 16, 2017


Melania Trump spoke out against hate and negativity – the only 5 gobsmacked reactions you need

Source The Daily Show Image Screengrab

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