This LBC caller said he can’t be racist because of his Kunta Kinte tattoo – and LeVar Burton had the best response

With the ‘too old’ attack line no longer available to the Trump cultists, there has been a spate of highly unsavoury comments about how Kamala Harris rose to her current position – some racist, some misogynist, mostly offensive, and all incorrect.

Kamala Harris who was a Senator for 4 years and has been Vice President for almost 4 years doesn’t have the experience to be President say the people who voted for a reality TV star who bankrupted a casino…

— Stu Cameron (@stucam7771) July 24, 2024

As far as I know, no president has given birth, so Kamala Harris fits right in.

Fuck your patriarchy and your gender essentialism.

— Imani Gandy (Orca’s Version) ⚓️ (@AngryBlackLady) July 23, 2024

Calling Kamala Harris a ‘DEI’ hire is absurd … she’s more accomplished than all of you idiots spending hours a day tweeting about her

— Claudia Conway (@claudiamconwayy) July 24, 2024

It isn’t just on the US side of the pond that people are showing their bigotry. An LBC caller named James shared his hot take with Ben Kentish.

Pay close attention to his opening gambit.

'Could it be that she was made Vice President based on merit despite the fact, in your view, being a woman and being black?'

'It is possible but I don't believe it.'

Caller James insists to @BenKentish that Kamala Harris is only in her position 'because of woke stuff'.

— LBC (@LBC) July 23, 2024

“I have got a tattoo on my arm of Kunta Kinte, who is an African slave, right. So I’m not racist in any way, shape or form.”

Ben was gobsmacked – in and out of the studio.

“I’m not racist, I have a tattoo”

— Ben Kentish (@BenKentish) July 23, 2024

In case the reference escapes you, Kunta Kinte was a character in the Alex Haley novel Roots, and was played by Star Trek star LeVar Burton in the hit TV adaptation.

James’s wild claim had people shaking their heads. These reactions are a good snapshot of what was said.


“I’ve got a tattoo of Kunta Kinte on me arm, I’m not racist” is a new one for me

— philip lewis (@Phil_Lewis_) July 24, 2024


I just soiled myself, funking hell!

— Lloyd Lewis (@LloydGeorge57) July 24, 2024


Not racist as has tattoo of Kunte Kinte
Might suggest the first 4 letters of the name were correct

— dave lawrence (@dave43law) July 23, 2024


The absolute brainworms. Infuriating.

— Jamie Smart (@jamiesmart) July 23, 2024


Wow. This, for sure, tops the "I have black friends" card.

— Old Head Energy (@Cheamane) July 24, 2024


I just don’t understand why someone like James, would go on live radio, to publicise his misogyny & racism, to all who listens

I can only assume it’s the misplaced confidence, that dumb people possess

— Digby (@ItsDigbyAgain) July 23, 2024


Guaranteed the guy on the call there owns a MAGA hat

— Andrew Mc Cormack (@phpfyi) July 24, 2024


Him walking to the Tattoo parlour for his Get-Out-Of-Racism LeVar Burton sleeve

— Stephen Charles (@stephenvcharles) July 24, 2024


Having a tattoo of a Black slave on your arm as a white man is aggressively racist.

“He is my role model” no he isn’t. Stop lying.

— Reji (@RejiYates) July 24, 2024


Pro Tip For My Fellow White Guys: If you're going to make up a totally imaginary tattoo of a black person you got to prove you're not just some racist weirdo, maybe don't say it was Kunta Kinte.

— Schrödinger's Sneetch Belly (@RTodKelly) July 24, 2024


GBeebies poison laid bare

— AJ (@andjamwar) July 23, 2024


I’ve been thinking about taking a serious break from twitter. It’s been too much. This video right here is both a reason to take that break and to also keep my eyes glued to it lol. I’m just at a loss for words.

— Giddens (@GiddensVision) July 24, 2024


The thing about bigotry I love, is that it’s never based on research. It’s just pure vibes and what you heard on TV

Not a critical thought in sight. Just vibes, real smooth brained material

— ALJ (@REECEALJv2) July 24, 2024


Another person….uses 'woke' to describe anything they dont like but can't or won't explain what it means and procedes to make a tit of themselves.

— Plenty Onions (@plenty_onions) July 23, 2024


“I haven’t got any evidence, but it’s what I believe” should be a maga bumper sticker

— Scott Linnen (@ScottLinnen) July 24, 2024

After being tagged (probably far more times than is reasonable) LeVar Burton himself entered the chat.

Pic or it didn’t happen… #bydhttmwfi

— LeVar Burton (@levarburton) July 24, 2024

First rule of the internet.


JD Vance’s cringeworthy joke about ‘racist’ Diet Mountain Dew fell flat – 19 sparkling ripostes

Source LBC Image Screengrab, Reddit

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