A man refused to help some close friends who didn’t invite him to their wedding and the entirety of the internet spoke as one

Time now to return to the corner of Reddit called ‘Am I The Asshole?’ in which people check in to make sure they made the right life choice.

Often it turns out these people have a shockingly low degree of self-awareness and that they are, in fact, the asshole.

But occasionally someone has done such the right thing and they are so in the right that the entirety of the internet speaks as one.

We mention this after someone called EntertainerKey8563 shared what happened after he found out some close friends didn’t invite him to their wedding.

And just about everyone said entirely the same thing, and these people surely said it best.

‘”Jane reaches out two days ago sending follow up texts saying John is upset about what I said and with her because she made the final calls about friend invites, and that I am taking this the wrong way, there is only so much capacity and that the others in our friend group have partners that took up space.”

‘What a bogus excuse. If your “friends” need someone to check up on their animals and property when they are on their honeymoon after a wedding you weren’t invited to they can ask another friend or family member.

‘The audacity of some people astounds me. I am believer in putting the same energy into a friendship as you experience.’

‘NTA. This sounds like a really one sided friendship and that they are taking your friendship for granted. Why would you keep putting time and energy into them?’

‘NTA. You’re good enough to be their house sitter. But sure, everyone else’s “plus one” took up all the slots. Right. And I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale.

‘We all know what Jane’s issue is. And we know John has zero backbone for going along with it.

‘But don’t be surprised if an invite suddenly appears. “Oh, look, someone dropped out and we really do want you to come. You’re only on our D-list. Don’t forget the gift! And you can still watch the house now, right?”

‘People hate confrontations. People hate being called out. People hate admitting to themselves that they are mangy old bigots.

‘How you proceed from here is up to you (I have a view but you don’t ask for suggestions). But clearly they don’t consider you their friend and you don’t owe either of them your kindness.’

‘NTA. I had some (minor) feelings about being excluded from a coworkers wedding and I’d barely have called her an acquaintance. I cannot imagine how hurt you must be by your friends’ behavior. Not like it matters now I guess, but does Jane secretly hate you? And why did she tattle on herself and make it worse?

“Oh it was me who decided you cannot come because our friends’ partners are more important than you. But can you make us feel better about our crappy behavior and do our bidding anyway?”. What a twist of the knife.’

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