‘What’s the most NSFW/WTF reason someone got fired from your place of employment?’ – 21 outrageous career-ending tales

Getting fired from a job is, mercifully, quite difficult. You have to do something really bad to get through the verbal and written warnings and eventually be sent packing by your employer.

However, some people do make it all the way to the dole queue because they have gone so far over the line that it is, in the words of Joey Tribbiani, just a dot to them.


Over on Reddit, user I_Have_No_Name_00 asked:

‘What’s the most NSFW/WTF reason someone got fired from your place of employment?’

And the answers are the stuff that office kitchen gossip dreams are made of.


‘I had to fire a pet store employee who was habitually eating dog treats. We spent weeks investigating and watching the cameras because it was so hard to believe.’


‘A guy I worked with was fired because he worked three full time jobs and it turned out he was sleeping for six hours on his shift. This was on night shift at a Home Depot.

‘He used supplies from the store to build himself a platform above the rug cutting machine and had a whole set up he slept in for almost a year until he was caught climbing in the machine on camera.

We all just thought he was shitty at the job and wasn’t getting anything done. He is secretly my hero.’


‘They thought there were 10 inches in a foot, and did a bunch of over-height trucking permits wrong (example: writing 13.6 feet at 13 feet 6 inches) and ended up delaying the shipment of a crane for a critical construction job which got the entire trucking company blacklisted.’


‘A dude got drunk and brought someone back to have sex in the lobby. Passed out and were found sleeping naked by staff the next morning.’


‘He attacked another employee in the break room because he took the last soda. He was very calm afterwards and told us “I understand I’m fired I just want to go on record on why I had to choke them.”

‘We told him it wasn’t necessary and had them escorted out of the building.’


‘Assembly line stopped working to have a twerk-off. Six people fired for twerking for 20 minutes while a seventh judged the winner.

Maybe would have gotten away with it if they hadn’t moved directly in view of a security camera. They were surprised it was a fireable offence.’


‘The only cash register at a location was stuck shut. One employee took it upon himself to take a hammer and beat the shit out of the register until it opened, breaking it, and then proceeded to take all the money out of it: all of this was on video by the way.

‘When confronted with this his defence was “I thought if I got it open I could keep the money” despite no one saying anything remotely close to that.’


‘Guy jacked up the rear of his company car and ran it for hours. His goal was to increase the mileage to get the car replaced sooner. Fired!’


‘Not HR, but supervisor in a meat department. We had to fire a closing clerk and meat cutter because they decided to:

‘Steal a bottle of vodka from our liquor store.

‘Drank the entire bottle of vodka between the two of them.

‘Got into a water fight using our industrial hose and cleaning solvent hose.

‘Destroyed $5k worth of electronics in the water fight.

‘Realised they were soaking wet and decided to strip down to their undies, put on butcher coats to hide that fact.

‘Put their soaked clothes on a food rack and pushed it into our walk-in oven to dry their clothes.

‘Attempt to finish their shifts while wearing nothing but boxers and butcher coats, and completely hammered.

‘Did all of the above between 7-9 in the afternoon, while the store was still open and with customers and other staff watching.’


‘A manager was playing music on a Bluetooth speaker and then went into the bathroom and started watching porn and there was plenty of people who heard it . So lost a 85-100k a year job because he was dumb enough not to remove the Bluetooth and also want to watch porn at work.’


‘Security guard showed up for work at an apartment complex with a parrot in his shirt. Took the maintenance golf cart and drove around the site setting off all the fire alarms.

‘He filed a claim after being fired that it was racially motivated as the owner was white. He was also white. He won.’

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