‘What one thing would you ban in the UK if you could?’ – 21 everyday irritants

We love a bit of a moan in the UK, but what if you could take it a bit further and completely outlaw the things that really get your goat? Reddit user CapitalSprinkles2242 asked:

‘What one thing would you ban in the UK if you could?’

And there was no shortage of answers from some deeply vexed people.


‘I would probably ban the sale of artificial grass. It’s bad for the environment and has to go.’


‘Disposable vapes. Slap a £5 returnable deposit on them. I’m not against vaping. On balance, it’s better than smoking if you are addicted to nicotine. I’m against waste and especially e-waste and plastic. My deposit idea is not to stop people vaping, it’s to stop them throwing them on the ground or in the bin.’


‘Using phones on speaker in public places.’


‘Any loud motor vehicle. Those plonkers on mopeds have to go!’


‘Ass instead of arse.’


‘Supermarket loyalty scheme prices. One for price for all.’


‘Don’t know how you’d ban this but I’m really uneasy with how frequently people video record each other in public places. I’m constantly on edge these days that I’m going to do something wrong without realising and some stranger will record me and throw it on the internet.

Imagine if pre smart phones people were walking the streets with a camcorder at the ready just waiting to humiliate someone.’


‘Make it illegal to use a dog poo bag to pick up the dog’s mess and then just throw it on the side of a path/bush/dirt track.’


‘The light-of-a-thousand-suns LED headlights on some of the newer car models, unnecessarily blinding everyone in their path.’


‘Fireworks for private use. Awful for the environment, cause countless injuries, trigger antisocial behaviour, and scares the shit out of dogs and quite a few humans. Save them for public events only.’


‘Talking to people who don’t like football about football even after they’ve told you they don’t like football.’

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