‘Because you already found out, what’s the one thing you’ll not f**k around with?’ – 25 painfully learned lessons

Newton’s third law of physics states that for every action in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction, which translates, in internet-speak, to ‘fuck around and find out’. Reddit user efequalma asked:

‘Because you already found out, what’s the one thing you’ll not fuck around with?’

And there were plenty of people who have already faced the consequences of their own actions ready to chip in with some advice.


‘Just because you climbed up something doesn’t mean you can climb down.’


‘Driving through standing water. Just because the car in front of you makes it through doesn’t mean you will.’


‘Do not attach two very active dogs to the handle of a Razor scooter because you want to see if they’d be good sled dogs.’


‘Road rage. I was chased by a guy threatening me to shoot me, that was the last time I yelled at somebody while driving.’


‘Hiking alone in Iceland being a confident hiker. Paraphrasing: the most dangerous hiker is a confident hiker.

‘I got lost, didn’t pack enough food and got caught on the side of a mountain. 20 people had to rescue me. Never again.’


‘Lithium batteries. I’m a curious fellow who likes to take stuff apart to see how they work. Had a camera battery go dead and thought I’d take a look see on what makes them tick. Go to work on it with a knife…

‘Well, what happens is that even ‘dead’ batteries will explode in your hands, burn said hands, and couch, rug and carpet. I now choose much more carefully as to what I dismantle.’


‘Wasp’s nest. They’re not chill like bees. They are very aggressive and will attack you and they don’t die. When they sting you they just keep stinging, and it feels like getting hit with a red hot spike.’


‘Being a cheater. Ruined my entire life. Definitely got what I deserved and more.’


‘Don’t fry bacon when you’re naked.’


‘Portuguese Man O’ War jellyfish. If you think you see someone’s lost floaty toy out in the ocean, just leave it.’


‘Do not try to skateboard while wearing rollerblades.’


‘That birth control can actually not work while taking antibiotics. Even though I had a doctor look me right in the face and tell me that wasn’t true. My 18-month-old would like to disagree.’


‘The mechanism that reels and unwinds a seatbelt.

‘If you have one that has jammed — do NOT try to open it – the instant you crack the casing open a 3m long razor sharp copper strip will fire out at 100mph towards your neck in the blink of an eye.’

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